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Emmanuel Church, Newport, RI

On top of new organ installations, Allen Organ Studios also installs numerous used Allen organs throughout the year. After a church in Tennessee decided to sell their very large Allen Renaissance R450, it quickly found a new home at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Newport, RI.

The AOS team subsequently drove to Rhode Island and spent a week installing this instrument in its new home. The sanctuary itself provided a wonderful acoustic setting, with the organ spread across chambers on both sides of the chancel/choir area. The previous pipe organ had fallen into disrepair and was too costly to maintain and rebuild. The Allen organ, with it’s expansive stoplist and 16 channels of output, offers the organist a voice pallet previously unavailable on the pipe organ. The stoplist and pictures can be viewed below.

A pair of video recordings were also made after installation and voicing were complete.

“Aria” (arr. Nicholas Bowden)

Improvisation on “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (arr. J. Hill)


Left Jamb
PEDAL Division (24 Stops)34Tremulant
1Solo (C)35French Trumpet (R)8
2Great (C)836Fourniture IVMixtur IV
3Trumpet (R)837Nasard2-2/3
4Contre Bombarde (R)32K. Posaune38Rohr Bourdon8Geigen Diap.
5Flute439Viola Celeste b8
6Violone1640Alternate Tuning
8Contre Violone3241String (C)
42Unison Off (C)
9String (C)43Vox Humana (R)8V. Humaine
10Swell (C)844Oboe (R)8Hautbois
11Choir (C)45Tierce1-3/5
12Bombarde (R)16Posaune46Traverse flute4
13Mixture IV47Viola Celeste #8Voix Celeste
14Gedackt flöte848Swell 2nd Voicing
16Contre Bourdon32STRING Division (8 Stops)
17Swell (C)450Vox Humana (R)8
18Great (C)451Vox Humana (R)16
19Clarion (R)452Strings VI4
20(Sw) Waldhorn (R)1653Strings VI8
21Choral bass454Strings VI16
22Octave8Oktav55Dulcets II Off
23(Sw) Lieblich gedackt1656Gambas II Off
24Bass Coupler
MIDI Division (5 Stops)
SWELL Division (24 Stops)57MIDI On Solo
25Solo (C)58MIDI On Swell
26Swell (C)1659MIDI On Great
27Clarion (R)460MIDI On Choir
28Waldhorn (R)1661MIDI On Pedal
30Octave Geigen4
31Viola Pomposa8Salicional
32Flute Celeste II8Erz. Cel. II
Right Jamb91String (C)
GENERAL Division (5 Stops)92Swell (C)16
62All Swells To Swell93Tremulant
63Tremulants Full94Cymbale III
64Swell Main Off95Flute4
65Swell To Antiph.96Harmonic Flute8Metalgedackt
66[Blank]97Double Diapason16Quintaton
98Gt/Pd 2nd Voices
SOLO Division (8 Stops)
67TremulantCHOIR Division (24 Stops)
68Tuba Clarion (R)499Swell (C)4
69Tuba Mirabilis (R)8100Swell (C)16
70Tuba Mirabilis (R)16101Rankett (R)16Orch. Harp
71Cor Anglais (R)8102Oktav2
72Corno di Bassetto (R)8103Prinzipal4
73French Horn (R)8104Erzähler8
74Flauto Mirabilis8105Gt/Ch Manual Transfer
106Choir Main Off
GREAT Division (24 Stops)
75Solo (C)107String (C)
76Swell (C)8108Swell (C)8
77Tromba (R)8109Tremulant
78Mixture IV110Zimbal IIIHandbells
79Twelfth2-2/3Sesquialt. II111Koppelflöte4
801st Diapason8Prinzipal112Holz gedackt8
812nd Diapason8Bourdon113Erzähler16
82Gt/Pd Main Off114Choir To Antiph.
83Swell (C)4115Solo (C)
84Choir (C)116Unison Off (C)
85Double Trumpet (R)16117Krummhorn (R)8Celesta
87Octave4Oktav119Erzähler Celeste II4
88Gamba8120Erzähler Celeste8
89Chimes121Choir Percussion
90Gt/Pd To Antiph.122So —> Gt Melody Coupler
(R) Denotes Reed Stop (22)
(C) Denoted Couplers (24)
